Literacy Issue Journey Interview

Jacqueline Maldonado
8 min readDec 11, 2020

Jacqueline Maldonado

Professor Navarro

English 1A

04 November 2020

Literacy Issue Journey Interview

On October 30,2020, I had the opportunity to interview a fellow peer Chistina Ngo. Christina Ngo who is currently a freshman in San Jose State University, attends the same English 1A. Class as I. We had to encounter two different interviews, Our first was more professional in which we described our project topics in-depth. The second interview illustrates more insight of one another’s life story , and our personal connection between our first-hand encounterments with such literacy topics in our community. And ways it defined our literacy. Although something I hadn’t seen coming was the similarity we both had in our topics. Being born in the same city, San Jose, Eastside specifically. Going to the same district, East Side Union District, and living only a few miles away from each other. It was very intriguing that despite many similarities, our lives had somewhat drastic turn out points in our community literacy. How such encounterments allowed us to view literacy in the world differently. In our interview we encounter our project personal connection, Issues of literacy, our sources, and the comparison and contrast from one another assignments. In this interview the similarities are seen through the stereotypes we encounter, and the format we encountered our projects. The difference is displayed though the type of stereotypes our community experienced. By questioning each other more in depth we both realize the importance of literacy and inform ourselves of importance..

Due to our project being about our personal connection in figuring an issue in literacy in our community we must first understand the roots and who Chistina Ngo is. To understand specify her knowledgement of the literacy issue she encountered personality. Christina Ngo is a current freshman at San Jose State University. Christina Ngo Is currently majoring in Biological Science. Chirstina has a profound interest in science. Although it wasn’t really mentioned in the interview. Christina Ngo had IgKnowledge that she had won first place three times in a row for Science Paluza back in High school. She was also president of a science club in her high school Andrew Hill. Through this discussion she mentioned that back in Andrew Hill she had to take action in her future when it came to opportunities. Such action allowed her to attend partnered science dual programs in Stanford and Berkeley in which she won many medals. Her Project themes were more recently a worldwide problem in those years. With such passion for Science Christina Ngo stated that although her love for science was immense and love of Public Health had sparked (Paragraph Eleven). Through this though Chitsina Mention that she realized that her own household and community stereotypes had somewhat pushed her towards this direction. In her own household her mother was somewhat encouraging a time persistence in the topic of doctor. From these she introduces one of the main stereotypes she has encountered in her life. In a more personal issue we both encountered households that struggle somewhat finically. Chistina Ngo stated, “ Because of the 2008 economy, we were out of the country. We came back and we invested in a house.” (Paragraph Twelve). Due to this past economic situation her childhood was based on hardworking, and was taught to further her study and get an education for a career. Similar to Chistina Ngo, the ideologies my parents had implace towards my siblings and I were to become hardworking people and that education and getting a career was the only form to insure a future opportunity. Such ideologies had Christina mention the increase of high expectation and neglect of Moduel Mintoy as her literacy topic.

In a more broad retrospect I was able to identify the difference and we both came to identify an approach towards the way we would tackle our projects. For Christina Ngo in the first project we were to define the way we view literacy as well as our community. Christina Ngo was able to identify a more indepth issue when it came to her own community literacy definition. Through our first project which flows and connects on a personal level, Christina Ngo discusses how Model Minority Myth is occurring and neglects the same people who experience it. Module Minority Myth is based on stereotypes which erases the difference among individuals. A minority group that is perceived as particularly successful. In where Christina Ngo was able to identify not only in her own community but in her own home. Christina Ngo States, “ labeling immigrants as the perfect immigrant in which they are perceived without considering other factors” (Ngo, 00:52 sec). She also stated how it mainly applies to Asian American in where there is a double standard in which, Asian-American do struggle, whether or not society chooses to acknowledge or ignore it. Christina Ngo states, “We don’t get the light or voice of it”. (Ngo, 5:52 min). Ngo elebraotes this use of neglect towards their own Asin American Culture with them trying to fit and flow the white dominant society. The difference is seen through both of our work’s. Christina Ngo was able to centralize her topic in Model Minority Myth with an approach of issue going in her community and expanded more in depth in both projects in which she allowed both work to intertwine with each other. On the contrary, my project issue on literacy was somewhat different from the issue I had discovered and found in my first project. I had encountered bilingual literacy. However a similarity that I noticed that our topic had for project one was the issue of stereotypes that we describe we encounter personally in our community. For example some stereotypes of that the Asian-American is title is that they’re doing fine. By this she meant that financially it believes that Asian-American are stable in income however there are statistics in which specifically here in San Jose because everything is expensive there are Asian-American citizens that become homeless. Although I did not go in depth in my other projects like Christina Ngo did in Financial Literacy, I was found through my community stereotypes as well. The issue I stated evolved through the immigrant community. In where the stereotypes lie in the community itself and outside forces. In which migrants are automatically titled as thief, muder, ignorant, pedifiles, killer etc. Also the struggle in which bilingual students encounter in school education that has a system invoked for students of a single language. In which struggle for bilingual students in literacy is where it creates it harder for them to accomplish their goal in obtaining critical skills for job opportunities in which maay inngranst have difficulty in the brain due to their lack in English literacy.

For our second project. Christina Ngo has gone more in depth on what Module Mitory Myth through Recent global Pandemic, Coronavirus. A different route that I had taken in approaching Financial Literacy. Chisitna Ngo states, “ The situation on COVID the xenophobia, direct to China, assumes Asians as Chinese” (Paragraph Nine). Where she described how Asian-American or Aisan’s in globally in general were experiencing racism, in being automatically perceived as containing Covid -19. Chirstina Ngo Had found her specific topic in which she was to discuss while I was still clueless in finding a more specific topic. Although I did mention I had a more personal connection to the bilingual literacy issue I found in project one, it was very broad which didn’t allow me to further expand as I had two different claims. In Contrast, Chistina Ngo had been able to connect the stereotypes that she and her community encounter in society and specify elaborate it further. Chirtina was also able to further elaborate the Model Minority myth while I had broadly stated the negative effect to finally literacy in our economy nationally. Despite this our trip was both based on the current global issue of the pandemic. Although mine didn’t relay such a message, Chirtina had been able to centralize it to one main issue that the community is facing.

For our third project it was to be centralized in a specific location in which displayed issues in literacy. Christina Ngo was able to centralize her topic in San Jose, her hometown. Christina Ngo stated that, “San Jose has the largest concentration Asian Americans that are homeless” (Paragraph Ten). Chistina Ngo Stated that they make up a large portion of the poverty level. Which made discussion on Proposition 16. Proportion16 is where diversity is a factor in public employment. Such as sex, color, race, ehitnicty, or national origin. In this more recent project Christina Ngo had been able to find primary sources like the U.S Census, or Nation Organization to back up her claim on high levels of poverty in Asian-America especially in San Jose. Chistina further elaborated her research towards the impact of deflation in which such stereotypes create an increase of pressure and expectation towards this community specifically. In the same retrospect we had the same approach towards a financial topic. In which I spoke on the lack of final literacy in Orange County, Los Angeles having a toll on the citizens with being low income. In Such we both were able to implicate the struggle we notice in our community economically or ethically and display the importance of inligting the factor that took effect on such issues.

Primary, Secondary or Tertiary resources. Source’s in which aided our claims from the previous Project was an issue we encountered. Unfortunately for both Christina Ngo and I had a difficulty in finding experts that were defined as primary or secondary sources. Christina Ngo states, it “was a combination of all three.”(Paragraph Nine). For instance in our first project we were to mainly refer to our textbook “ Local Actions; Cultural Activism, Power, and public life in America” by Meliza Checker and maggie Fishman. For the second two however it was difficult in finding mainly primary recourse that had support and depied the amintoty myth. In my instance for all my projects I have such a broad retrospect on my literacy topic that made my essay consist of maniy broad claims. This was due access of tertiary resources disposable to me rather than primary or secondary.

Through this interview I learned that the Module Minority Myth with id didn’t realize occurred, and that despite the similarities that we both have we encountered many different things in our life that shape how we define literacy. Specifically the stereotypes we both encountered in our life and how it affected us. In the end we had analyzed that it was best for one to educate himself when it came to issues of literacy and go against the stereotypes placed in each or our communities. We both declared in the end that despite our essay we would definitely take different approaches when encountering issues in literacy in our essays.

Work Cited:

Ngo, christina ,Maldonado, Jacqueline. 30 October 2020. Interview Project. November 4 2020.

Ngo, Christina. “Cultural Literacy and Advocacy.” Medium, Medium, 9 Nov. 2020,

Ngo, Christina. “San Jose’s Vietnamese Majority/Minority.” Medium, Medium, 9 Nov. 2020,

urce=your_stories_page — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -.

Ngo, Christina. “The Rising Cases of Hate Crimes against Asians Become More Prevalent

Worldwide, Especially during…” Medium, Medium, 9 Nov. 2020,


Maldonado, Jacqueline. “Authgrophy”. Medium, Medium. 11 November, 2020.

Maldonado, Jacqueline. “Literacy in Economy”. Medium, Medium, 11 November, 2020.

Maldonado, Jacqueline. “Financial Literacy In Economy” . Medium, Medium. 25 Octuber 2020.

Ngo Christina, and Maldonado, Jacqueline. Project 4 Interview. Youtbe.

Ngo Christina, and Maldonado. First part of Project two interview. Youtube. Jacqueline

