Literacy Issue Journey Interview

Jacqueline Maldonado
2 min readDec 11, 2020

In my “Autoethnography”, I describe the different types of stereotypes that bilingual students face in the immigrant community and education system. Being a minority group member, the immigrant community, I have experienced several stereotypes from different sides in my life. However, I’m not the only one. On October 30, I had the opportunity to interview my fellow peer member in English 1A, Chistina Ngo. Christina Ngo is a freshman at San Jose State University that is currently majoring in Biological Science. Christina Ngo was born in San Jose, California, attended Andrew Hill High school in the East Side Union High School District. I was also born in San Jose and attended the same district as Christina; however, we applied to different high schools. Encountering a variety of similarities and living on the other side of the highway. Both Christina Ngo and my experiences are similar yet different from the stereotypes we encountered in our community. Ngo, during our interview, described that she specifically discover Model Minority Myth in her household. However, a loved one expecting Ngo to aspecific career over any other. Through this, she was able to identify the nodule mostly in which the Asian-American Community faced. Model Minority myth is the stereotype that implies that a specific minority group is doing just fine. While she relaxes, such stereotypes apply towards Asian- Americas. She encounters that the Asian-American Community is stereotyped to begin doing fine. Especially financially, which Ngo states that they make the highest mark of homeless people in San Jose. We both also describe the issue we encounter to find primary informative articles that related to our issue. We go in-depth between our project and how our personal life connects with these literacy issues.

U.S Census of Orange County displays an infographic of income and Poverty percent in Orange County. 10.5% of Orange County Families are currently living in Poverty. And their household income is $39, 590.
This infographic displays how the Asian American Community takes place in the highest groups in being Poverty with 12.6% changes. Chistina Ngo informs that in San Jose, especially Asian-Americans, have financial issues. She incorporates this evidence to display the Model Minority Myth, how Asian American Are perceived to be specifically finally well when in reality majority of them experience poverty.

Work Cited:

Ngo Christina, and Maldonado, Jacqueline. Project 4 Interview. Youtube.

Ngo Christina, and Maldonado. First part of Project two interview. Youtube. Jacqueline

